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Where do I go from here?

The time has finally arrived!!!!!! This is my last blog involving my class and the topics discussed in class. It's a bittersweet ending but it has been interesting and informative. My class Exploring Your Digital Portfolio is a very useful class for those who aren't super tech savvy and want to gain skills that could help in your career. When you first arrive at a college you think you know everything there is to know about the internet because kids today are growing up with it so they are already skilled in computers. But it's important to teach kids how to be safe on the internet and how to utilize it for jobs. The book we read this semester is Lol OMG by Matt Ivester and he does a great job of explaining how teens should be cautious on the internet. I believe everyone should learn how to be a cautious content creator and how to protect yourself on the internet. Matt Ivester's book does it perfectly so if I was you I'd give it a quick peek. The other book we

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