Where do I go from here?

Image result for matt ivester lol omgThe time has finally arrived!!!!!! This is my last blog involving my class and the topics discussed in class. It's a bittersweet ending but it has been interesting and informative. My class Exploring Your Digital Portfolio is a very useful class for those who aren't super tech savvy and want to gain skills that could help in your career. When you first arrive at a college you think you know everything there is to know about the internet because kids today are growing up with it so they are already skilled in computers. But it's important to teach kids how to be safe on the internet and how to utilize it for jobs. The book we read this semester is Lol OMG by Matt Ivester and he does a great job of explaining how teens should be cautious on the internet. I believe everyone should learn how to be a cautious content creator and how to protect yourself on the internet. Matt Ivester's book does it perfectly so if I was you I'd give it a quick peek.

Image result for untangling the web
The other book we had to read was Untangling the Web by Stephen Dembo and Adam Bellow. This book was super helpful because it explains numerous websites and tools that apply to all sorts of needs. This book was super interesting because I learned about websites that could help me improve presentations, studying, writing, and organization. Once again I recommend this book to anyone who isn't tech savvy or just wants to learn something new. I thought I knew all the websites I would ever need but Untangling the Web actually taught me something, so never brush off something because you think you already know everything.

Image result for bloggersAside from the books my class was able to learn a lot from researching other blogs and articles related to topics in class. Searching and reading articles was actually super enjoyable because most of the authors are speaking from experience so it makes the material more relatable. By finding other bloggers and seeing how they connect with the audience has really helped me enjoy blogging. I never thought I would be the type to enjoy writing about mundane things like being responsible on the internet. This class helped me enjoy this type of writing style because before I would only want to write fiction and more creative things. BUT I have learned that just because you are reporting or discussing a topic doesn't mean it can't be creative. The use of images and videos really brings the blog to life because if I only had text it would be dreadful to look at and read.  So thank you GEN2243 for making me become a more creative thinker and writer.

Related imageThroughout the semester I have learned so much about media platforms and the best way to use them for specific needs and strategies. Considering I'm a Communications major I know a lot about social media and how to use it but I learned a lot about using it for specific purposes in marketing and PR maintenance, and it's absolutely fascinating. This class fit in perfectly with my Comm courses and I'm so unbelievably happy about that. I love when classes tie in with each other it makes school life so peaceful because I'm not jumping from topic to topic.

Image result for kids and technologyMy class learned a lot about using the internet in classrooms for educators and for young students and I became super jealous with what the kids have today compared to what I had. I'm in one of the last generations where I didn't grow up with the internet. I don't think my family got a computer until I was maybe 6 and yes, that is young, but I wasn't allowed on the computer until I was in middle school. So I see all the cool technology that they get to use, I get super jealous. Technology just makes things more interesting and fun.

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The question now is, what's next? Where do I go from here? This blog has been super fun and I'm deciding if I should start a new one with topics that I find more personally interesting. But I guarantee that all of the information I learned in this class will benefit me in the future. One day I'll just be sitting at my desk at work and I'll have a flashback to this class and the tools I could use to help me. I have fully enjoyed this class, the material was good, my classmates were awesome, and the professor was nice. So it's been a super rad semester and I thank everyone for being a part of it. Goodnight and thank you!!


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